24 — Rewind

As I was searching for inspiration to come up with a new blog for the week, I decided to reread my old posts.  I came across posts from the month of February (of last year).  I was just beginning to blog then and I think only a handful of people were visiting my site at that time. 

For those of you who didn’t reach that far back, here’s a repost of a blog that talks about a very exciting day in the life of the Supergoddess. 

Okay, okay, so this is cheating.  I’m reposting because my brains just got too fried after staying under the sun watching baseball games the whole week… I can’t come up with a new and exciting blog at the moment, so please bear with me.  In the coming days, I promise something better.

For the love of Jack Bauer, here’s a rewind… (and I added pictures, too!)

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Don't you just love this guy??


Now that sounded kinda Jack Bauerish.  Somehow i can’t help but hear the seconds ticking away in my head – as it does in the show.

I have been here in the kitchen for the past hour, awakening the kitchen goddess in me, attempting to create a masterpiece for dinner.  As I wait for the food to cook, I couldn’t help but think of how fast the day went… and wonder if I spent it in a productive way  (thus, the transformation from kitchen goddess to Jack Bauer).

 This is today’s version of   My  24…

5:30 … alarm rings

5:31 … snooze

5:35 … alarm rings again

5:35:15 … snooze

(okay, so that basically went on every five minutes until 6:05 when i finally decided to wake up and start my day)

6:10 … prepare breakfast, packed lunch, school uniform

6:30 …  wake up child

6:30:30 … take a shower

6:45 … still taking a shower

7:00 … dress up in a rush

7:30 … bring child to school

7:40 … pray for no traffic

7:45 … pray harder for no traffic

7:55 … child in school 5 minutes before the bell. (Yey, what a feat!)

This has by far been the most boring 2 hours in Jack’s life, should he be in my shoes.  I do wonder how he can fight terrorists, fly to another continent, fight more bad people, defuse a bomb, etc. etc. all in one morning.  I have already used up about 2 ½ hours and the farthest i have been to is my child’s school.  And you saw how exciting those two hours were. 

Fast forward to 11:00… by this time, i have already consumed about 3 cups of coffee (to jumpstart the day, thus more excitement); i have been to the bank; i have gone to the other household that i’m managing, talked to the workers repainting the other house; left instructions with the domestics; gone to the grocery to buy enough food to last us for two weeks… i have talked to a couple of friends using my cellphone…

11:05… talk to architect…

11:55:10 … architect leaves… multitask : can now chat with someone from the other side of the world (who says that Jack is the only one who can communicate with people in other continents?); chat with someone from this side of the world (who says they actually work while they are at the office?!);  

15:00 … still chatting with that someone from another continent, and that other someone who’s just here somewhere… done fixing files… okay, so not really done, but at least the attempt to fix was there…  balanced my bank account already…

15:05 … get ready to pick up child from school

10 hours have passed from the time i was supposed to wake up.  Jack probably has killed a gazillion bad people in ten hours. 

Kitchen goddess doing a 24

Before I bore anyone with the details of the remaining hours leading to here and now (exactly 19:29:50), guess I’d transform back to the kitchen goddess that I am aspiring to be. 

Jack Bauer will probably go crazy if we trade places for a day.  So far the most challenging part of my day was keeping my pretty pink toenails from breaking or getting scratched.  

That and oh, yeah, saving our dinner from burning….





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photos via google images

*repost of original blog entitled 24 published Feb 4, 2010.

Extraordinary Day

happy birthday to me...

It’s just like any ordinary day.

You wake up at the same hour that you do everyday.  You walk the dog… have coffee… watch the sunrise.  Then you prepare your son’s things for school, wake him up, wait for him to get ready… bring him to school.

It’s the same old routine that you do day in and day out.  It seems like just any ordinary day.

But it’s not. 

It IS your special day.  It’s the day that you mark the anniversary of your birth.  And somehow you know that this day is anything but ordinary.

You look in the mirror and you try to find out if you have aged overnight.  Do you have more lines on your forehead?  Crow’s feet? Laugh lines?   Gray hair?  Worse, less hair?

You reflect about the year that was.  You try to think back and remember the good things that happened over the year.  Were you a good person? A good mother, partner, daughter, sister or friend?  Did you build new friendships?  Did you rekindle old ones?  Did you reach out to people you didn’t know… touch other people’s lives?  

Was the past year significant?

You look forward and think of the things you would still want to do… goals you want to achieve… dreams you want fulfilled.  You try to plan.  You dream some more.  You wish for things, and you think of ways to turn those wishes into reality.

You look forward and envision yourself making this new year relevant.  

AND then you think about today.  You take this time to regroup… to recharge.  You know that the past is over and done with and the future is still not within your grasp.  Today is yours.  Today is about YOU. 

You know that today is not like any ordinary day… because today marks the beginning of the rest of your life.

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photo via weheartit.com

My song…

Right now, right this minute, if you are asked to pick a song that is about you… or your life… what will it be? 

Maybe this is the height of narcissism,  but there’s one song that i play over and over again… specially during those ho-hum days…those days when i don’t feel too good about myself… (today being no exception)…

          …I am extraordinary, if you’ll ever get to know me. I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary…  Average everyday sane psycho, Supergoddess…

Works wonders.  Makes me smile all the time.  Talk about being a total contradiction.  Somehow I can’t help but feel special…. and yes, extraordinary.

What’s your song?  It won’t hurt to have one.

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(Thank you bff for sharing the song.  Love it!!!)